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International Social Work year 2 - information skills: 5. Referencing

Citing and paraphrasing

citing copying a passage literally from another source => quoting, reproducing (Bastiaansen, 2008, p. 274).
The clue is in the dictionary definition: quoting. This means that you should always put quote marks around a citation. The citation should not be too long, and you should acknowledge the source and include it in the reference list.

pa·ra·phra·sing giving a paraphrase of something (Bastiaansen, 2008, p.1143).
In other words, rephrasing the ideas and/or opinion(s) of the authors you have consulted in your own words. This isn’t done by putting quote marks around the text, as you would when citing. But when you’re paraphrasing, you do need to acknowledge the source and include it in your reference list.

All of the sources that you refer to when citing and paraphrasing should be included in the reference list.
For the rules on citing and paraphrasing, see the website of the HAN Studycentres.
Please note: If you quote or paraphrase without acknowledging your source, you are committing plagiarism!


“Copyright is the exclusive right of the creator of a work of literature, science or art, or that of their assignees, to publish and to reproduce this work, subject to the limitations set by law” (Copyright law, 2010).

This article from the copyright act means that you are not permitted simply to copy another author’s text. One condition for reproducing other people's texts is to cite your sources correctly. If you fail to do this, you are committing plagiarism.

pla·gia·rism copying another author’s work and presenting it as your own => appropriation, theft, piracy (Bastiaansen, 2008, p. 1183).

Reference managers

A reference manager is a web application that can help you save, organise, cite and share references (the sources you’ve used). HAN has a licence for Endnote for this. In a separate Endnote library guide, you’ll find more information about creating an account and working with Endnote. (Note: the videos are in English.)

There are also free reference managers, such as Zotero and Mendeley.