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Search tips

Search tips 
These search tips make searching with Google faster and more efficient, each part has a separate box with explanations and examples.

► Exact search: Double quotes
Put two or more words in double quotes to find the exact word order.

► Narrow down search results 1: Omission dash
Put a dash in front of a search term to omit websites containing this word.

Narrow down search results 2: File type
Add filetype: or ext: + abbreviation of a file type to search for specific documents.

Narrow down search results 3: Period
Via the option 'Tools' you can indicate how old the information may be.

► Narrow down search results 4: Word for word
Via the option 'Tools' it can be indicated that only the exact search term(s) will be searched for.

► Broaden search results: OR
Between words OR (uppercase) or | (pipe, upright indent) to search for two or more words at once.

► Search within a website: site:
Add site: + weblink to search within a website.

Look for more search tips on Google Support: Search operators.

Exact search : Double quotes

Put words that belong together, for example a first and last name or the title of a publication, in double quotes. Google will now only show the websites where these words are listed in this order.

Examle 1 Search information about the TV-serie Game of Thrones.








When a single word is placed between double quotes Google will only allow websites that contain the exact spelling of this word. Without double quotes, words similar to this will also be shown, for example the plural form

Example 2 Search information about a concertkaart (= concert ticket)








► The first search also shows results of similar words that are more common, such as concert ticket and concert tickets. The second search only shows the results for the exact word.

Double quotes can also be used to search whole sentences up to 256 characters.

Broaden search results: OR

When searching on two or more words, with or without double quotes, Google only shows websites that contain all the terms searched for. Google itself puts AND in between the search terms. When between two words the word OR  or | (pipe, upright indent) is placed, Google will show all websites where at least one of the search terms occurs.

Example Find information about cakes with apples and/or pears

This search option is useful for few search results or words with the same meaning.

Narrow down search results 4: Word for word

After a search, there are some options under the search bar, on the far right is Tools. When clicked on, four options will appear: Each country, Each language, Each period and All results, with this option the search can be filtered on successively the country of origin, the language, the period in which the information was put online and the literal choice of words.



Example Find information about therapy for children with autism.






In addition to websites containing these three search terms, Google also shows websites containing similar search terms, such as autistic, child and behavioral therapy. If the 'Word for word' option is checked, only the sites in which the search terms occur exactly will be shown.





►  If 'Tools' is enabled, the number of search results disappears, by clicking on it again the number of search results will be visible again.

Search within a website

Add to a search term site: and the web address (without www) to search within this site. This option is useful for large sites with many pages.

Example Search for information about the summer vacations within HAN





Narrow down search results 1: Omission dash

A large number of search results can be reduced by adding a search term with the omission dash (-) in front of the first letter. Google will then omit all websites that contain this word from the search results.

Example Find information about autism, but not in adults









Narrow down search results 2: File type

A large number of search results can be narrowed down by filtering by file type, for example a pdf or a Word document. Put after the keywords filetype or ext, followed by a colon and the abbreviation of the file type: pdf, doc (or docx), ppt, etc. (note: everything attached to each other). Google will then only show search results of the requested file type.

Example Search information about autism











Especially the option filetype:pdf is useful because magazine articles, brochures, reports, etc. are often put online as pdf.

► Google has created a list of file types that can be searched for.

Narrow down search results 3: Period

After a search, there are some options under the search bar, on the far right is Tools. When clicked on, four options will appear: Each country, Each language, Each period and All results, with this option the search can be filtered on successively the country of origin, the language, the period in which the information was put online and the literal choice of words.



Through the option Each period you can specify exactly how old the information may be, ranging from one hour to a self chosen period.














Example Find information about autism not older than five years










► If 'Tools' is enabled, the number of search results disappears, by clicking on it again the number of search results will be visible again. It is also possible to change the option 'Sorted by relevance' to 'Sorted by date' to put the most recent page at the top of the search results.