In order to export your references to a reference manager you first have to be logged in to Reaxys.
It is only possible to download references from de 'document' search menu. Under the option 'export' select 'reference manager system'. Make sure you export only the results that you want to include, as the default option is to download all references. When a prompt appears with 'your file is ready', click download. A RIS-file has now been added to your downloads folder.
To import the file, go to your reference manager and click 'import'. You can now select the RIS file, and the documents will be added to your reference manager folder.
Endnote is a program that can help you to keep track of references in a document. If you import sources in the program and place an in text reference to the source, Endnote will automatically enter the reference in your reference list.
Endnote is a paid service, which means you can only download the program through your HAN account. For further information see the links below.
HAN endnote libguide (EN)
HAN endnote libguide (NL)
Zotero is a free open source program to help you keep track of references in a document. Since it is a free service it is widely used in academia. One of the large benefits to Zotero is that you can keep using it after you leave the HAN. Like Endnote, Zotero can automatically enter a reference in your reference list when you place an in text reference to a source.
You can download the program for free. For further information see the link below.
HAN zotero libguide (NL)