A quotation is a text passage that you copy verbatim from the source.
You use a quotation:
A quote of less than 40 words is enclosed in "quotation marks" in the running text.
If you do not mention the author leading up to the citation, place the author's name and the year and page number(s) in parentheses.
A quote of 40 words or more is displayed in a stand-alone, indented block, without quotation marks. Above and below the block quote will be a blank line.
Wagh et al. (2021, p. 47) define data munging with SQL as follows:
Data munging (or wrangling) is the phase of data transformation. It trans-forms data into various states so that it is simpler to work and understand the data. The transformation may lead to manually convert or merge or update the data manually in a certain format to generate data, which is ready for processing by the data analysis tools. In this process, we actually transform and map data from one format to another format to make it more valuable for a variety of analytics tools.
In our research ....
In Fundamentals of Data Science data munging with SQL is described as follows:
Data munging (or wrangling) is the phase of data transformation. It trans-forms data into various states so that it is simpler to work and understand the data. The transformation may lead to manually convert or merge or update the data manually in a certain format to generate data, which is ready for processing by the data analysis tools. In this process, we actually transform and map data from one format to another format to make it more valuable for a variety of analytics tools. (Wagh et al., 2021, p. 47)
In our research ....
Note: In the second example, in the text the title of the book is given in italics. The dot comes before the source reference here because the reference is not a part of the quotation.