Bij het zoeken in de grote medische databases is het mogelijk om in specifieke velden te zoeken. De belangrijkste velden om in te zoeken zijn:
1. Thesaurusterm (onderwerp)
2. Titel
3. Samenvatting
(stroke[mesh] OR stroke[tiab] OR cva[tiab] cerebrovascular accident[tiab]) AND (physical therapy modalities[mesh] OR physical therapy[tiab] OR physiotherapy[tiab])
((MH "Stroke") OR TI ( stroke or cerebrovascular accident or cva ) OR AB ( stroke or cerebrovascular accident or cva )) AND ((MH "Physical Therapy+") OR TI ( physical therapy or physiotherapy ) OR AB ( physical therapy or physiotherapy ))
(SU ( stroke or cerebrovascular accident or cva ) OR TI ( stroke or cerebrovascular accident or cva ) OR AB ( stroke or cerebrovascular accident or cva )) AND (SU ( physical therapy or physiotherapy ) OR TI ( physical therapy or physiotherapy ) OR AB ( physical therapy or physiotherapy ))