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Master Neurorevalidatie: 4: Zoekactie

Handleiding PubMed

Zoek in de juiste velden

Bij het zoeken in de grote medische databases is het mogelijk om in specifieke velden te zoeken. De belangrijkste velden om in te zoeken zijn:

 1. Thesaurusterm (onderwerp)

  • PubMed (MeSH)
  • Cinahl (Cinahl Headings)
  • Cochrane (MeSH)
  • Eric (Descriptor)

 2. Titel

 3. Samenvatting



(stroke[mesh] OR stroke[tiab] OR cva[tiab] cerebrovascular accident[tiab]) AND (physical therapy modalities[mesh] OR physical therapy[tiab] OR physiotherapy[tiab])


((MH "Stroke") OR TI ( stroke or cerebrovascular accident or cva ) OR AB ( stroke or cerebrovascular accident or cva )) AND ((MH "Physical Therapy+") OR TI ( physical therapy or physiotherapy ) OR AB ( physical therapy or physiotherapy )) 


(SU ( stroke or cerebrovascular accident or cva ) OR TI ( stroke or cerebrovascular accident or cva ) OR AB ( stroke or cerebrovascular accident or cva )) AND (SU ( physical therapy or physiotherapy ) OR TI ( physical therapy or physiotherapy ) OR AB ( physical therapy or physiotherapy ))