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Vaktherapie themagids - Traumabehandeling: Muziektherapie

Gids voor het zoeken en vinden van informatie over de behandeling van een psychotrauma door middel van beeldende, drama-, muziek- of psychomotorische therapie.

Publicaties traumabehandeling en muziektherapie

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Laatste aanvulling: 19 februari 2024


Bensimon, M. (2022). Integration of trauma in music therapy: A qualitative study. Psychological Trauma, 14(3), 367–376.


Heiderscheit, A., & Murphy, K. M. (2021). Trauma-informed care in music therapy: Principles, guidelines, and a clinical case illustration. Music Therapy Perspectives, 39(2), 142-151.


Bensimon, M. (2020). Relational needs in music therapy with trauma victims: The perspective of music therapists. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 29(3), 240-254.


Rudstam, G., Elofsson, U., Søndergaard, H. P., Bonde, L. O., & Daniels Beck, B. (2017). Trauma-focused group music and imagery with women suffering from PTSD/complex PTSD: A feasibility study. Approaches, 9(2), 202-216.

Te raadplegen via Approaches.


Odell-Miller, H. (2016). Music therapy for people with a diagnosis of personality disorder: Considerations of thinking and feeling. In J. Edwards (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Music Therapy (pp. 268-288). Oxford University Press.

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Van der Tuuk, A. (2014). Muziektherapie als agressieregulator: Een gecombineerd behandelaanbod bij posttraumatische stressstoornis. Tijdschrift voor Vaktherapie, 10(4), 40-47.

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Vibe Jespersen, K., & Vuust, P. (2012). The effect of relaxation music listening on sleep quality in traumatized refugees: A pilot study. Journal of Music Therapy, 49(2), 205-229.


Sutton, J. (2011). A flash of the obvious: Music therapy and trauma. In A. Meadows (Ed.), Developments in music therapy practice: Case study perspectives (pp. 368-384). Barcelona Publishers.

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Bensimon, M., Amir, D., & Wolf, Y. (2008). Drumming through trauma: Music therapy with post-traumatic soldiers. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 35, 34-48.


Handboek muziektherapieKluck-Walpot, E., & Vink-Brouwer, E.. (2008). Trauma. In H. Smeijsters (Red.), Handboek muziektherapie: Evidence based practice voor de behandeling van psychische stoornissen, problemen en beperkingen (pp. 216-236). Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.

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Amir, D. (2004). Giving trauma a voice: The role of improvisational music therapy in exposing, dealing with and healing a traumatic experience of sexual abuse. Music Therapy Perspectives, 22(2), 96-103.


Gravestock, J. (2021). Music therapy in adoption and trauma: Therapy that makes a difference after placement. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

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Malchiodi, C. A. (2020). Trauma and expressive arts therapy: Brain, body, and imagination in the healing process. Guilford Press.

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Beck, B. D., Messel, C., Meyer, S. L., Cordtz, T. O., Søgaard, U., Simonsen, E., & Moe, T. (2018). Feasibility of trauma-focused Guided Imagery and Music with adult refugees diagnosed with PTSD: A pilot study. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 27, 67-86.


Story, K. M., & Beck, B. D. (2017). Guided imagery and music with female military veterans: An intervention development study. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 55, 93-102.


Garrido, S., Baker, F. A., Davidson, J. W., Moore, G., & Wasserman, S. (2015). Music and trauma: The relationship between music, personality, and coping style. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, Artikel 977.


Felsenstein, R. (2013). From uprooting to replanting: On post-trauma group music therapy for pre-school children. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 22, 69-85.


Carr, C., D'Ardenne, P., Sloboda, A., Scott, C., Wang, D., & Priebe, S. (2012). Group music therapy for patients with persistent postā€traumatic stress disorder: An exploratory randomized controlled trial with mixed methods evaluation. Psychology and Psychotherapy, 85(2), 179-203.


Anschütz, R. (2010). Heeft muziek grenzen? Een inventariserend onderzoek naar de werking van de muzikale componenten binnen de afgrenzingsprocessen van getraumatiseerde cliënten in de stabilisatiefase van behandeling [Afstudeeropdracht]. Zuyd Hogeschool.

Te raadplegen via HBO Kennisbank.


OrthHandboek muziektherapie, J., Verburgt, J., Van Nieuwenhuijzen, N., & Wijzenbeek, G. (2008). Getraumatiseerde vluchtelingen en asielzoekers. In H. Smeijsters (Red.), Handboek muziektherapie: Evidence based practice voor de behandeling van psychische stoornissen, problemen en beperkingen (pp. 360-384). Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.

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Hussey, D. L., Reed, A. M., Layman, D. L., & Pasiali, V. (2007). Music therapy and complex trauma: A protocol for developing social reciprocity. Residential Treatment for Children & Youth, 24(1-2), 111-129.


Sutton, J. P. (Ed.). (2002). Music, music therapy and trauma: International perspectives. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

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