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International Social Work year 1 - searching and finding reliable literature: Assignments

Lesson design

Topics in this lesson

Information literacy quiz

Assignments for exploring reliable sources

Add the Studycentres website to the bookmarks on your notebook.
Do the same for the LibGuide you are currently working in. Use this link: 

Please search for the following book title:

Healy, L. M., & Link R. J. (Eds). (2012). Handbook of international social work: Human rights, development, and the global profession. Oxford University Press.

- You have seen how to search for the title above in the catalogue.
  Now try to find the online version (e-book) of the book in HANQuest.

  • When you found the title click on it and search on that page for the "concurrent user level".
  • Subsequently try to open the PDF fulltext of the book on the left.
  • What happens and why does it happen?

There are a lot of online journals with 'Social Work' in the title.

  • How many?
    HANQuest searches all of these journals. When you find an interesting article for your assignment you can look for more similar articles in the corresponding journal.

Make a search in HANQuest by using an actual topic from your assignments.

  • How many results are there?
  • View the filters on the left side of the page. These are useful for limiting your search.
  • Which filter is most appealing to you and why would you consider using it?

Surf to:

  • Why do we recommend Google Scholar instead of Google?
  • Do a search with your favorite topic.

In Google Scholar, you can add the 'HAN linker', which informs you when an article is available in full text in HANQuest.

Now please Install your HAN-linker in Google Scholar in the following way:

  • Go to the left side of the page and click on the three dashes
  • Go to settings
  • Open Library links
  • Write Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen
  • Press save.
  • Do the same for Radboud University

Why are we adding Radboud University here?
Because it is within walking distance and as a HAN student you can get a guest account. So you can download the full text articles there.

Make again your search in Google Scholar. Is there a HAN linker in your results?

The image on the LibGuide home page shows 6 steps to structure your search.
It is an internationally used method for exploring your information skills.
In the LibGuide the several tabs are (more or less) corresponding with this steps.


  • What are the benefits of this method?

  • Why should you use the search diagram?
    Open the link below and look at the search diagram

Open this article:

Van Raemdonck L, Clycq N, Mahieu R. Using the capability approach in social work with unaccompanied young adult refugees. Journal of Social Work. 2022;22(2):556-578.

  • Name a few characteristics of an article that are important to check for reliability (Tab Search: 4.).


Nexis Uni is a newspaper database. In the LibGuide it is under the tab: FIND.
Click here: Nexis Uni and view the content on the screen.

  • Search for news articles on the topic of your assignment.
  • Check the filters on the left to see which newspapers have been searched.
  • Looking at the steps of information literacy in which one would you use Nexis Uni?