HANQuest is the best search engine for finding reliable sources for your studies. You can find this search engine at www.han.nl/studiecentres. In this list you can see which sources HANQuest searches. These are mainly paid databases that are not searched by Google.
Please note! There are also several important websites for social work. These are not searched by HANQuest. You can find these websites by typing the search term ‘social work’ into the databases bar on the website of the studycentres.
HANQuest gives you the option to save your search results in a folder, so you can easily find your useful results whenever you need them. To save results you first need to log in to 'my EBSCOhost'.
If you look closely at this image, you can immediately see the difference between the results of Google (Scholar) and HANQuest. Google gets its results from the public web (surface web) and HANQuest from the deep web. So use both HANQuest - for paid databases containing scientific information - and Google Scholar - for open access publications (free).