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Research Drive (ENG): Help


  • Forgot guest account password
  • Lost files
  • WebDAV connection lost

HAN's data stewards and functional administrators are here to help you use Research Drive. Can't figure it out on your own? Contact one of them.


Are you working on a study as a "Guest" and have forgotten your password? You can reset your password yourself. To reset your password, enter the email address that Research Drive used to invite you as a guest and enter the password you think it is (at least enter something). Then click "Log in".  

Note: Only if the password is incorrect will you be given the option to reset it! This option is only visible then.
When you click on the reset password button, a link to reset your password will be sent to the email address you provided.

Lost files

Have you lost or accidentally deleted a file? There are two options:
1. Go to "Menu" -> "Activity" in the top left corner.
Under "Activity", you can see what you have done in the last 14 days. Do you see the file? Use that file to go to "Deleted files" and restore the file. 
As a project owner/data steward, in addition to your own activities, you will also see the activities of anyone you have shared the folder(s) with (also up to 14 days). Did someone accidentally delete a file? This can be seen and retrieved in "Deleted files" (the recycle bin).
2. Go to "Deleted files" (at the bottom left of the screen) and restore the files.

Deleted files remain in the "Deleted files" recycle bin for 180 days.
If you are working with Office files in Research Drive, old versions of a file will be retained for 30 days. 
SURF cannot recover data after it is deleted from the "Deleted files" recycle bin or after the 30 days.


1. The WebDAV connection may be broken. The drive may still be visible, but there will be a red cross through it:

2. How do you solve this? Click on the Z-drive. You will see a login screen:

3. Note: Remove STAFF\ and enter the password you received the first time you created a WebDAV connection (not your HAN password).
4. The connection has been restored. You can upload and delete files again. 

If you cut a file from Explorer on the Z-drive and place it somewhere else (outside the Z-drive), it will also be deleted from the Research Drive. This can be found in "Activity" (in the Menu). See "Lost files" below.